- AAP 2023. Title: The Methodological Incredulous Stare. July 2-6, 2023. ACU Melbourne
- Issues on the Im(Possible) (I)X. Title: Incredulity does not Trogger Impossibility, June 8, 2023. Bratislava
- University of Oxford Departmental WiP: Title: Unparsimonious Metaphysics, July 18, 2022. Oxford
- University of Bristol Departmental WiP: Title: Unparsimonious Metaphysics. November 3, 2021. . Bristol
Departmental WiP, Bristol University, (UK). November 3, 2021. Title: Unparsimonious Metaphysics (in present)
Vienna Language and Mind seminar, University of Vienna, (Austria). May 28, 2021. Title: Against Parsimony (online)
Philosophical Association of the Philippines 2019 Midyear Conference: Philosophy: Beyond, University of the Philippines, Los Baños Los Baños, Philippines, November 12-14, 2019. Title: Modality, Fiction and Indispensability
Philosophy Nowadays: Varieties of Fictionalism workshop, Varna (Bulgaria), September 5, 2019. Title: Modality, Fiction and Indispensability
Australasian Association of Philosophy Conference 2019, Wollongong 7 - 11 July 2019, Title: Dispensing with Parsimony
Modality and Fiction Workshop, Graz, Title: Modality, Fiction and Indispensability, June 2, 2019
Modal Metaphysics: Issues on the (Im)Possible VII, Bratislava, Title: Dispensing with Parsimony, May 30, 2019
Brno University, Title: The Indispensability of Fiction, Brno, Czech Republic, November 29, 2018
CONGRESO CENTROAMERICANO DE FILOSOFÍA, UNIVERSIDAD DE PANAMÁ, October 15-19, 2018; Title: The Plurality of Modal Spaces
Essence&Modality Workshop, Graz University, Austria, Title: On What There Could Not Be: Fictional Characters as Impossible Individuals, August 6.7, 2018)
AAP 2018: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand (Modal Metaphysics: The Extent of Impossibility Stream), Title: Fictional Characters as Alien Individuals, July 8-12, 2018
Workshop on Fiction, University of York. Title: Do You Want To Be an Ersatzer? You can Have Fiction for Free, York, June 27
V Conference of the Latin American Association for Analytic Philosophy and PHILOGICA V, Title: "Fiction?: Indispensable" Revisited, Villa de Leyva, Colombia, May 16-18, 2018
EECP 2018, Title: TBA, Rijeka University, Croatia, February 24-25, 2018
Santa Fest, Title: Is the Metaphysical and Ontological Question One and the Same Question?, Bratislava, December 18, 2017
New Zealand Association of Philosophers 2017 Conference, Titke: Believing vs. Make-Believing in Modality, University of Otago (Dunedin), December 4-7, 2017
Understanding across Sciences Workshop, Title: Metaphysical Explanation, Bratislava, November 20, 2017
DAY/NIGHT Philosophy. Title: Fiction as a Model of Reality, Presov (Slovakia), November 9, 2017
PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS: LOGIC, SEMANTICS, METAPHYSICS, EPISTEMOLOGY. Title: "Fiction: Indispensable!", Institute of Philosophy Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava, October 27, 2017
University of Seville seminar, Title: On the indispensability of Fictional Discourse. October 16, 2017, Seville, Spain
University of Lisbon, Title: Fiction: Impossible!, October 18, 2017, Lisbon, Portugal
University of Madrid metaphysics seminar, Title: The Puzzle of Imaginative Resistance in Metaphysics, October 5, 2017, Madrid, Spain
"Contemporary Philosophy - Problems, Trends and Perspectives'' Title: Modal Dimensionalism, August 28 - September 2, 2017, Varna, Bulgaria
2017 AAP Conference, University of Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, Title: Trading Ideology for Ontology (and vice versa), July 2-6, 2017
Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, Title: Grounding Modality, April 10, 2017
Phileth Meeting, Hokkaido University, Title: Fiction: Impossible!, December 12, 2016, Japan
Night of Philosophy, Paris, Title: Fiction Beyond Reality, Reality Beyond Fiction, November 18-19, 2016, France
Palacký University, Olomouc, Title: Fiction: Impossible!, October 26, 2016, Czech Republic
Philosophy of Language (I): Semantics of Fictional Discourse, Bratislava, Comments on Stacie Friend's Paper, October 19, 2016, Slovakia
5th WFAP Conference: What in the world(s)?, Title: Ersatz Pluriverses, Vienna, September 13-15, 2016
AAP 2016, Title: Beyond the Impossible, Monash University, Australia. July 4-7, 2016
At the Interface of Mind and Reality Workshop, Title: Beyond the Impossible, Bulgarian Academy od Sciences, Bulgaria, June 7-8, 2016
Language, Epistemology, and Metaphysics, Title: Beyond the Impossible, University of Belgrade, Serbia, June 9-10, 2016
Issues on the (Im)Possible IV Warm-Up, Title: Modality: How Fine-grained?, Bratislava, May 9, 2016
Departmental seminar, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, Title: Beyond the Impossible, April 26, 2016
PSSA Conference, Title: Extended Modal Fictionalism Again, University of Fort Hare, South Africa, January 18-20, 2015
Bratislava-Sofia Workshop. Title: Amodalism and the Impossible, Bratislava, October 9, 2015
Ninth Principia International Symposium (Possible worlds and their applications in philosophy and the sciences): Extended Modal Dimensionalism, August 17-20, 2015, Florianopolis (Brazil)
The 2015 AAP Conference, Title: (Extended) Modal Fictionalism, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 5-9/July/2015
THINKING THE IMPOSSIBLE (under the auspices of Sifa), Title: Impossible Worlds and the Incredulous Stare, Torino, Italy, 29-30/6/2015
“Rationality in Metaphysics and Mathematics” conference, Title: Evaluating Hybrid Views in Metaphysics, Sofia, Bulgaria, 24-26/June/ 2015
Belgrade-Bratislava Meeting, Title: Impossible Worlds and the Incredulous Stare, Belgrade, Serbia, May 21-22, 2015
Philang2015, Title: Alien Properties and Impossible Worlds, University of Lodz, Poland, 14-16/5/2015
Interpretation, Understanding and Communication conference, Title: Entended Modal Fictionalism, Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 5-7/2/2015
DYNAMIS RESEARCH SEMINAR, Title: Extended Modal Dimensionalism, Helsinki, Finland, 23/04/2015
DYNAMIS RESEARCH SEMINAR, Title: Entended Modal Fictionalism, Tampere, Finland, 24/04/2015
Young Philosophy Graduate Conference, Title: Dispensing with Incredulous Stares in Metaphysics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, March 19, 2015
METAPHYSICAL SEMINAR, Title: Modal Dimensionalism and the Ontology of Impossibility, University of Milan, Italy, 20/02/2015
Research Workshop, Title Modal Dimensionalism (in Slovak), UMB Banska Bystrica, Slovakia, 5/2/2015
Reality and Fiction, invited talk on fundamental philosophical problems, Bratislava, 12/11.2014
Different Ontologies in Philosophical Theory Workshop, Topic: Modal Structuralism, September 23, 2014, Bratislava, Slovakia
ECAP 8 – Eighth European Congress of Analytic Philosophy, University of Bucharest – Bucharest, Romania, August 28 - September, 2 2014, Topic: Modal Structuralism and Impossible Worlds
AAP Conference, July 6-11, Canberra, Topic: Modal Structuralism and Impossible Worlds
Experience and Reality, June 5-7, 2014, Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Topic: Modal Structuralism and Imposible Worlds
Issues on the (Im)Possible "WARM-UP" workshop, May 29, Bratislava, Topic: The Plenitude of Impossibility
Graz-Vienna-Bratislava Graduate Workshop, April 4, Bratislava, Topic: Impossible Worlds and the Incredulous Stare (Again)
Young Philosophy Graduate Conference, March 20-21, Bratislava, Topic: Impossible Worlds: Going Paraconsistent?
5th World.Congress on Paraconsistency. Topic: Paraconsistency and Impossible Worlds, 13-17/02/2014, Kolkata, India
Metaphysics: East and West Conference. Topic: Modal Metaphysics and Impossible Worlds, 16-17/12/2013, Shanghai, China
First Annual Philosophers' Cocoon Conference, Tampa, FL, USA, Topic: Extended Modal Realism and the Incredulous Stare 18-20/10/2013
University of Vienna Graduate Workshop, Vienna, Austria, Topic: Are Impossible Worlds Structureless?, 12/10/2013
17th Czech-Slovak Philosophy Annual Symposium, Trencianske Tempice, Slovakia. Topic: Impossible Worlds, 11-13/9/2013
Modal Metaphysics: Issues on the Impossible Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, Topic: Impossible Worlds: An Old New Story, 19-20/09/2013
Australasian Association Philosophy Conference, Brisbane, Australia, Topic: Modal Realism and Impossible Worlds, 7-12/07/2013
The Swedish Congress of Philosophy Conference, Topic: Concrete Impossible Worlds, The Department of Philosophy at Stockholm University, Philosophy at Södertörn University, 14-16/06/2013
VARIETIES OF REALISM/ANTI-REALISM, Catholic University in Ruzomberok, Topic: Extended Modal Realism, 5-7/6/2013
Gaps and Gluts Workshop, Department of Philosophy, University of Padua, Italy, Topic: Dialetheism and Metaphysics, 23/05/2013
Graduate Conference in Theoretical Philosophy, Topic: Concrete Impossible Worlds, University of Groningen, 18-20/04/2013, abstracts
The Arizona State University Philosophy Graduate Conference , Topic: Impossibilitists' Paradise on the Cheap?, The Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA, 05/04/2013
2013 University of Oklahoma Graduate Conference, Topic: Extended Modal Realism, Department of Philosophy, University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA, 30/03/2013
Young Philosophy PhD Conference, Topic: Concrete Impossible Worlds, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 21-22/3/2013
PhD Seminar, Topic: Concrete Impossible Worlds, Comenius University in Bratislava, 20/03/2013
The Israeli Philosophy Association 16th Annual Conference, Topic: Impossibilists' Paradise on the Cheap?, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, 18/02/2013
Slovak Academy of Sciences Meeting, Topic: On the Indispensability of (Im)Possibilia , Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 14/01/2013
New Jersey Regional Philosophical Association Conference November 10th 2012, Lyndhurst (NJ), USA, Topic: Concrete Impossible Worlds, 10/11/2012, Comments: Tom Slaughter
PG Seminar, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Topic: Why to Bother with Impossibilia, 09/10/2012
British Postgraduate Philosophy Association – 16th Annual Conference, (Respondent): The Varieties of Modality, 3–6/09/2012, University of Edinburgh, Scotland,
LSSI Postgraduate Seminar Series, University of Leeds, Topic: A Philosophical Account of Impossibility, 27/06/2012
White Rose Postgraduate Forum: Department of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield, UK, Topic: Modal Realism and Impossible Worlds, 14/03/2012
Postgraduate seminar: Department of Philosophy at the University of Leeds, UK, Topic: Genuine Modal realism and Impossibilia, 9/12/2011
Department of Philosophy Conference, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Paper Title: ‘Oh My God! God Does not Exist!’
Department of Philosophy Conference, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Paper Title: ‘Tractatus Metaphysicus’
Department of Sociology, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovakia, Topic: ‘General Laws in Social Sciences’, 12/5/2009